All products manufactured within Rayburn are subject to checks using high quality inspection equipment.
We are proud to present our policies and regulations which are up to date; we have a qualified team working up to BSI standards following Environmental and Health & Safety regulations.
Rayburn has full ISO 9001:2015 accreditation sustaining an effective quality system. We are currently working towards implementing the AS9100 Aerospace Standard. All new products must go through comprehensive evaluation steps before distribution.
Measuring & Inspection Equipment
- SWIFTPRO Duo Video and Optical Measuring System
- Mitutoyo Euro – M544 Co-ordinate measuring machine
- Profile Projector Model JT12A-B
- Mecmesin tension and compression multi test machine
- Plus a full complement of modern measuring equipment including calibrated digital calipers, micrometers and height gauges
What We Promise
- At Rayburn we promise outstanding service and choice to our customers.
- Always maintaining our brand independence to ensure that we give our customers the best unbiased advice, prices and service.
- We promise to constantly strive to be successful, without threatening the reliability of our company, customers, suppliers or our team.
- Engaging the minds and hearts of our staff to empower them to achieve greater and better goals for themselves and the company.
- Encourage our staff to be open-hearted, assertive without aggression and to be achievers without losing their morality in all of their dealings.
- We will continue to build strong, integrity driven relationships with our suppliers to enable us to meet the diverse requirements of our customers
Click the links below to view documents:
BSI ISO 9001:2015 Quality Certificate
Environmental & Social Responsibilities
Health & Safety Policy Statement
Quality Policy Statement
Black Country Chamber Of Commerce Certificate
Modern Slavery Act Statement